Although abortion is illegal in Texas, we understand this is an option you may choose elsewhere. We believe you should be aware of all the details about your options so you can decide on the best choice for you.
Several options may be chosen for an abortion procedure. It usually depends on variables such as your pregnancy’s gestational age, medical history, and other medical factors.
Understanding all your options and giving yourself time is important. You do not want to hurry into a decision you may regret. Taking an extra moment to allow yourself time to digest the situation can help you decide things carefully and calmly.
What is the Abortion Pill?
The abortion pill is two different drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol, taken in one or two doses. The number of pills ordered can be determined by how far along you are. A medication abortion is FDA-approved up through 10 weeks after a woman’s last menstrual period. The abortion pill is not an option for people with certain medical conditions, if the pregnancy is not viable, or if the pregnancy occurs outside of the uterus.
It’s important to rule out an ectopic pregnancy or a natural miscarriage and find out how far along you are via ultrasound. Conception calculators can only estimate a potential due date. Contact us for a free ultrasound and to learn more about abortion pills and your options.
Medical Abortion Side Effects and Risks
Inspira Resource Center believes in informed decisions. If you meet the qualifications for the abortion pill, there are still a few things all women should pause and consider. Most people are aware of the common side effects, but women can also experience:
- Contractions – Your body can undergo contractions where the uterus cramps to expel the fetus.
- Menorrhagia – Heavy or severe bleeding during the abortion process.
- Vomiting – Some individuals may experience vomiting after taking the drug. However, if you experience ongoing vomiting or nausea, contact your doctor.
- Menometrorrhagia – Ongoing abnormal uterine bleeding and/or periods that last longer than normal. Some women report ongoing bleeding for months after taking abortion pills.
- Long-term Headaches or Migraines – Headaches have been reported by some individuals undergoing medical abortion.
- Pelvic Infection or Uterine Damage – Some women experience long-term pelvic pain or are diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can lead to infertility, pain during intercourse, and a higher risk of ectopic pregnancy in the future. Having a sexually transmitted infection at the time of an abortion can increase this risk.
- Sepsis – This is a severe infection that can occur when bacteria enter the bloodstream. In the context of medication abortion, sepsis can be life-threatening if not promptly treated.
- Blood Clots – Passing blood clots is a standard part of the abortion process. Large clots may form in the uterus, leading to complications. If you pass clots more significant than a lemon for more than two hours or experience heavy bleeding that soaks through more than two maxi pads per hour for two consecutive hours, contact your healthcare provider immediately, as this could be a life-threatening condition.
You can find the complete list of drug reactions here. Without the correct medical supervision, these complications can get serious.
What is a Surgical Abortion?
If you are considering an abortion, get the answers you need to make an informed choice. Remember that abortion is a medical procedure. What type of abortion will you have? What are the risks? What happens after an abortion? Get the answers you need before you decide.
Aspiration Abortion
Aspiration abortion procedures can be performed up to 13 weeks after a woman’s last menstrual period (LMP). It is the most common early surgical abortion method and it is an outpatient procedure. Aspiration abortion is sometimes performed in the event of a medication abortion failure.
Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)
A D&E abortion is typically performed 13 weeks or more after a woman’s last known period (LMP). It is the most common second-trimester surgical abortion method. Local anesthesia or sedation is commonly utilized. If you think you may be in your second trimester and are looking for options, contact us for a no-cost consultation. While we do not refer for or provide abortion services, we can give you the answers you need to make an informed choice. Call us today to get started.
Surgical Abortion Side Effects and Risks
There are risks to any surgery. The majority of abortion procedures are called blind procedures, which means the doctor or medical professional is relying on surgical instruments and cannot see inside the uterus.
Side effects can include but are not limited to:
- Heavy bleeding
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Cramping
- Fever
- Blood clots
- Allergic reactions to the anesthesia
- Abdominal pain
- Infection
- Emotional side effects
- Damage to the womb or cervix
- Perforation of the uterus
- Sepsis
- Death
Occasionally, some women need another procedure to remove parts of the fetus or pregnancy that have stayed in the womb.
Why Choose Inspira Resource Center
We put you first here. An abortion is a serious decision, and you deserve a safe space to talk about what to expect, recovery, and risks. Make an appointment today for a free pregnancy confirmation and options consultation.
Please note that abortion is illegal in the state of Texas. Inspira Resouce Center does not provide or refer for abortion services. We believe that women deserve a place to learn about their options without any pressure or cost involved. All our pregnancy services are available at no cost to you.
We can help you determine your pregnancy due date and answer your questions.