Are All Appointments Free?

Yes! All appointments are completely free of charge. There are no hidden costs, and you will not be expected to pay anything.

Are All Services Free?

All Services are 100% free, there are no copays or hidden fees.

What Will It Be Like?

Our compassionate and caring team will welcome you upon entering our center. You are our top priority, and our goal is to make you comfortable while providing the best care. Here you’ll be empowered with factual medical knowledge and information so that you can make informed decisions that are right for you.

You will never be rushed or hurried to make a decision. We’re here to listen to all your concerns and provide the clarity you need.

Can I Bring Someone With Me?

Absolutely! We welcome you to bring anyone you wish as your guest during your appointment. You should be surrounded by anyone that makes you feel comfortable and supported.

What If I Don’t Have A Support Person With Me?

If you don’t have someone you wish to bring with you, that’s okay too! Our staff will soon feel like family and will be there for you every step of the way. You will find all the support you need here at our center.

Is Scheduling Flexible?

We know life is busy; that’s why our scheduling is flexible and convenient for you. We don’t want to feel like another task you have to accomplish to check off your list. Instead, we hope to provide you with a calming atmosphere that works with your schedule to offer you the best healthcare experience and care.

What Do I Need?

You do not need anything for your appointment. If you have any questions or concerns, write them down or take mental note so you can recieve the answer during your appointment. We’re here to answer all your questions, while listening to your concerns.

Is Insurance Required?

Insurance is not required, and no copays or expenses will be expected.

What If I’m Scared?

Even though it’s uncomfortable, it is normal to feel this way. We’re here for you and will walk alongside you during this journey. You will never be alone; we’re here for you for the long haul.
